How can I get 20 Testers to test my Android app while it's in Closed Testing?

When you have a Personal account type for your Google Developer Account, Google requires that you get 20 people to test your app for 14 days before you’ll be able to launch it. The testing period is Closed so you can’t just send a link to people with an Android phone. You have to get their email address and add it to your Google Play Developer Account so they can have access to the app. They will receive an email with a link on how to install the Beta version of your app. Once your testers have tested your app for 14 days, they can provide feedback and we can apply for Production access to launch your app to Google Play.

For more information about that requirement, here’s Google’s complete explanation:

Getting 20 testers may feel like a daunting task, but there are several things that you can do to make that happen. Here are a few ideas:

  1. If you already have an app with us, post a blog asking if anyone wants to be part of the pilot group to test your new app! Posting a blog will send a notification to everyone who currently has your app. You can tell them why you need this and include instructions on how they can send you their email address.

  2. If you have a newsletter, send an e-blast to your audience. Include the link to download the Beta version of the app. They won't be able to access the link until they provide you their email address, but that process in itself may encourage them to give it to you.

  3. If you have social media accounts, post about your new app to your followers. Ask for them to DM you if they are interested. Then, you can provide them with the testing link and get their email address.

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About BV Mobile Apps

BV Mobile Apps is a mobile app development/hosting company. We specialize in creating apps for the entertainment industry. BV was founded by Gerald Olivari and Marshall Lyons. We're based in Atlanta.

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